Friday, February 02, 2007

bad weather

The weather for the past few days has been so weird! It was cold. then it was warm, then just a little windy and its a very uncomprehensible cycle of weird weather. Now, I'm not feeling too good. It's like I'm getting a fever or something. My head hurts, and I am feeling warm all over even when the air-conditioning is on. It's just so uncomfortable.

Anyway, it's the end of my second week at work. Can you believe how fast the time went by? I also got my first ever salary last Wednesday. It felt really good to earn my own money. hehe At least now I can buy a lot of books without feeling guilty. haha Although I am putting some away in the bank, or if I find other stuff to invest in. I'm getting used to work here, although I am still considered slow compared to the others. But then now I have net on the computer I'm using so it helps a lot.

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