Friday, January 27, 2006

CBE Recognition rites

Attended the CBE recognition rites yesterday... Mom and Dad went coz Dad might not be able to attend the grad ceremony tomorrow as he has to go pai-pai for Grandpa. Was almost late due to the heacvy traffic on the way to school caused by the downpour we had all day long. There were no floods though.

We got an Archer cap as the souvenir, same as last terms'. hehe

Here are some pics:

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Taken with my thesis groupmates on Wednesday.

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taken with some of my blockmates =)

I'll post more when I have time...

So anyways, my mom was making tsap-diam as to how I didn't put too much effort on my studies therefore I didn't get any awards...It's better to know that I've done my best rather than getting an award going the easy way. That's my opinion.

I was aiming for Best Thesis but the stupid company rep gave us a really low grade and still told people in the company that we got Best Thesis. Weird, noh?

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