Friday, June 15, 2007

now what?

2 weeks(maybe more) of practice for the Vesak Day performance is now over. We practiced till midnight everyday and also on weekends. Things were crazy on the last few days where people were all excited and nervous about the upcoming performance. We can't really blame anyone, the Venerables wanted it to be perfect since the performance was going to be held at SM Mall of Asia. But then there were some very tactless people who instead of encouraging people to do better, just made comments that would make anyone want to walk out and forgot about doing the whole performance altogether. But then most of the people there(including me) wouldn't do that, because this isn't just about her. Anyway, enough about that. The performance was pretty successful. 2 weeks of practice and hardwork paid off. Gosh! 2 weeks of rehearsals and only a few minutes on stage? But then,hey, we all had fun. Pics available here.

For the 2 weeks, I had something to look forward to every night. Now, everything is back to regular programming. Going home after work, having dinner, doing household work, and studying before retiring to bed.

Oh yeah, I had this post-extraction complication after the last of my 3rd molars were taken out. We thought it might be cancerous or anything, but thank Buddha it wasn't. The specialist my dentist referred me to just took out the growth so that it will just grow again. Still hurts a bit...but am ok.

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