Monday, April 23, 2007

Five things

was browsing through a blog a couple of days ago and I saw a list of 5 things the author wanted people to know. Thought I might make my own. hehe I'm pretty talkative, and outgoing so I'm not sure what I haven't told people yet.
  1. I never get the first slice of bread in a loaf. I don't know why. I always grab the second slice of bread in the bag.
  2. I don't like bargaining. Even when I go to 168 or Divisoria...I just don't like haggling for purchases. I don't know if its just because I'm shy or that I know that if I had a shop, I wouldn't want anyone bargaining with me either. hehe
  3. I've worn eyeglasses since I was 5(not sure. but its somewhere around that). I have inborn astigmatism and my parents noticed that I sit extremely near the TV, si they took me to the optometrist to have my eyes checked, and before I knew it, I wore glasses.
  4. I dream in black and white sometimes. This is weird actually. I normally dream in color, but when I dream about m maternal grandfather its almost always in black and white.
  5. Uhm....I don't know what to put here yet. haha Just check back on this post next time.

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