Wednesday, April 04, 2007

China beckons...

Over the past few weeks, I've received 2 opportunities to go to China. One is to study, on a full scholarship, in Yunnan. The second is to work at a China-based software company. It's overwhelming to just see the opportunities coming, but the decision making is hard. I have always wanted to escape from my life here in Manila, but now since I have a job that I quite enjoy and all, I kinda don't want to leave..haha am I too sentimental? But really, if ever the Chinese company calls again and I do get accepted for the position, I would probably go. For starters, I've always wanted to work in China, and its not just to escape my parents. I feel that if ever I work there, it will be a real challenge and I would learn a lot from it. Two, I also want to experience working as an expat. You know, being around a lot of people who come from a different background and culture. I agree that it will be harder since I will be on my own, but I am up to the challenge. Just hope that their compensation package is good. hehe Anyway, about the 2 opportunities at hand, is it a sign that I should go to China?

Watched Ugly Betty's episodes 1 to 8. I love it! It's different from the mexican version. I love Salma Hayek in the series...she looks great! I also like Amanda's character. She's not the typical "woman-working-in-the-fashion-biz" type of girl. She's just cute in some weird way, I guess.

am starting to get lucky in my career, but I wish I can say the same for love. I just thought things over and felt that somehow I am not ready to get into a long distnace relationship. These kind of relationships take a lot of patience and work. It also needs a lot of love to make it work. It isn't complicated, just hard. You don't get to see each other much, and the physical distance is not really the problem, but how its hard to tell what the other party is feeling right now.

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