Thursday, September 21, 2006

candee's birthday

It's Candee's birthday today. She's turning 14. Yea...she's getting older(and so fast too!). Although she seems older than me at times. haha I've gotten feedback from friends that say they always have to remind themselves that Candee is still a kid when they see her. Its probably the way she talks and walks and acts.

Although she tries to act like an adult, she's still so dependent on Mom, Dad and me(sometimes). We (more on I, coz I don't know what mom and dad think) don't know if we have to treat her like a kid or like an adult now that she's older. I, personally, want her to be independent and have the freedom I didn't have. I know there is much pressure on her since,well, I don't exactly make my parents proud with my mediocre grades. But then I doubt she'll ever be independent. She's just too attached. Maybe it's because she's the youngest and everybody is so focused on her ever since she was a baby.

Anyway, Happy Birthday Sis!

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