Friday, January 04, 2008

Happy New Year!

Happy New Year everybody!

As you all saw with my last entry, nothing really significant happened in 2007. I guess I was still adjusting to the "real" world. haha yeah, that's just an excuse, I know. Well here are the 5 things that I hope to achieve this year.

1. get a new job (aka have a career shift) - I love my job and all, but this is not something I'd want to be doing forever. Or worse, something I'm doing when everybody is doing something I would want to be doing.

2. get a good GMAT score/ learn something new - by good I mean 650-ish. I'm so grade conscious. haha But it's a goal that I hope to achieve. At least it keeps me motivated to review. As for the latter one, I want to take up a cooking course. hehe

3. get healthy- All this sitting at work is making me lethargic. Need to move more.

4. master a foreign language - been trying to do this one for years. I've tried learning Spanish, Korean and Cantonese. I haven't succeeded in being fluent in any of those languages.

5. meet new friends - no explanation needed. Everybody likes to meet new people, right?

Let's hope I get to accomplish at least 2 of those. Wish me luck!

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