Wednesday, July 11, 2007

What the???

"We took one of our guys, put a bike helmet on and we used him as a ramrod to break ground and put Mike's head through the wall.It was cool."

This was what I translated today...It's so weird. They were talking about how they were making the life of one family, who has a kid that has cerebral palsy, easier by installing a bathtub on the ground floor. So they had to knock down the wall between the ground floor bathroom and the laundry room. But,hello? Using a guys head to pound on the wall? It'd be a miracle if the guy didn't suffer a stroke or a concussion.

And they still go on to say it was cool. Man..are these people retarded or something?

next few lines.(I'll just post the timecoded version...)
After that, the construction guys came
and cut a hole.
We have pictures of his head
going in and out of the wall.
We are basically doing
an extreme bathroom makeover
so that he will have a rolling shower
in the bathroom downstairs
and it will give him more independence
and it will be a blessing to his family.

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