Saturday, January 22, 2011

teeny bit overworked

There seems to be an endless addition to things to do at the office lately. Work hours for the past few weeks have been way too long...sometimes even up to 12 hours. Trying to stay on top of things and still have a smile on my face. Although, some circumstances just test my patience. I am a bit glad that at least now I don't have that much of a responsibility with other places, combined with the killer workload, I'd probably faint. Not that am complaining about the stress. Just feel that my immune system isn't real good lately, I get the sniffles a lot these days. Or maybe its because I don't take in a lot of liquid and the aircon at the office is just too cool.

Am glad that there are a couple of things to look forward to for the next couple of months.
1) Company outing this coming March to Shangrila Mactan. Yey!!! Will grasp the chance for some much much needed relaxation. Although need to lose a bit of the Xmas gift I got myself due to the holiday indulgence. hehehe

2) Taiwan in April with my family.

3) Vietnam and Cambodia with my friends. Sana I can join. Wasn't able to join last time and it'll be a great bonding experience. :)

On a side note, my old SEK610i is kinda messing up. It won't make a call sometimes, I have to turn the phone on and of before it will work. And then the power issue where it shuts off by itself sometimes even when it's still fully charged. :( Time to get a new phone? The phone is still great though, albeit the hang-ups sometimes.

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