Sunday, October 15, 2006

HSK Mock-test

Went to PCHS for the Mock test for the HSK . It started at 8 then ended around 1030.

Guess where my seat is...It's in the first seat of the last row. and it was super cold there. haha My hands were practically frozen towards the end of the test.

ANyway, the test itself was ok. They didn;t get back the answer sheet so that we could check how many we got right. (They gave us an answer key) I'm not yet done checking, but I have 3 mistakes in the listening portion. Then I checked the last part which required us to write the Chinese words themselves(they gave us a sentencem we just had to fill in the correct word)...I got a few wrong...It was funny actually, I knew how to write them, but at the time I was taking the test, I felt that what I answered was right. Honestly, I'm trying to delay checking the paper, since it could be disheartening. :D

Oh...btw. Guess who I met there. I saw Stacie(Uno lower batch) and Kris Jean(my neighbour in Beijing). haha There are a lot of people taking the test. Around 300, and I think there's another test center in Kalookan which means the number could be bigger.

Wish me luck for next weeks test!

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