Monday, February 26, 2007

random ramblings

This is going to be one of those entries where I'd talk about life and share my thoughts again...haha I feel that it's been ages since I've done that. Lately, I've mostly posted lyrics, videos or some other stuff.

So here goes, I'm on my second month here at work. I'm enjoying it a lot. Trust me, nothing beats being able to earn my own money. hehe Before I just wanted to work with big, multinational or at least well-known companies. Now that I think about it, it doesn't matter where you work, just as long as you enjoy what you are doing, and the work environment is good. True that if you have a name of some hotshot company in your resume, you have a greater chance of getting a better job next time, but really, what if my first job is at a multinational, then after that, I'd want to aim for something bigger, right? So after a multinational would be what? An even bigger multinational? Somehow, I don't want to be in that whirlwind where pressure and stress co-exist. haha I'd like to start slowly and enjoy being in a workplace...I'll deal with pressure, stress and competitiveness later on when I understand more about corporate lifestyles.

A year ago, all I wanted to do was go back to my childhood homeland up north. I wanted to see if opportunities there are any better than the ones here. But something always came up so I ended up where I am now. I'm not complaining now or anything. Canada can wait for a few more years. But really, all I want is to get away from my parents for a if they are there, I'd probably look for a job somewhere where they can't stay for a long time. hahaha Sounds mean, but its true. I want to go on a journey of self-discovery. I am not saying that I don't love my parents...just that their being overbearing and control-freak-like is extremely nerve-getting. Somehow, I'm never on my own. I crave for freedom and adventure.

Parents are supposed to be role models for their kids. But I don't want to be like my parents...Not one bit. Enough said. More would entail a very very long post which I don't feel like doing right now.

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