Saturday, May 14, 2011


We're almost halfway through the year, looking back on the resolutions I set during the start of the year. I made 3 promises then, which are:to read more books, to lose weight (and look healthier), to start my applications for masterals. As of now, I've achieved only one, the first. The second, I did ok during the start of the year, and then I gained weight again over the summer. :( waaah Half of the weight gain came from eating all that yummy food in Taiwan. Talk about the salty donuts variant from Mr. Donut, oyster cakes, beef noodles and don't forget milk tea.

We went for our gown measurements this morning for Atsi B's wedding this morning. I need to lose a few inches around my body. Need to start working out and sweating and eating less/healthier. It's just so hot ...hard to get myself up and moving lately.

There's also another thing I need to start working closet. My closet is so full! Its full of clothes I accumulated over the years. I still wear them and most of them still look new, so it's hard to actually dispose of anything. Am figuring out how to clean up and reorganize my closet to make it more efficient and hopefully, still have space just in case I want to add some more stuff. I might need to move some stuff out from the closet, like the bags, gifts I get, toys out to clear out my space. But that would mean, cleaning up not just the closet but the whole room... *gloom*

This clip is inspiring, his space is even smaller than mine, so organizing my room shouldn't be a problem, right? I give myself maybe four weeks. Aja!