Its so unnerving that one minute it was dark outside and then when I stood up to take a break, the sun was already starting to come up. The morning air is so fresh...something I haven't experienced in a long time.

I realized that I may get way too preoccupied with work when I am at the office...I realized that lately, with all the hectic deadlines, I've been neglecting myself a bit...not getting enough sleep, putting in too many hours at the office, not drinking enough liquids, eating lots of junk food to help get rid of some stress while I work(I think I gained weight again). So it is true that its more beneficial if a person gets up and stretches once in a while.
On a good note, I got promoted at work...Although it seems that it may be because one of my officemates resigned and there was a "vacancy". But still it feels good in a way somewhat.
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