We helped out at the Siddharta musical on Nov 3 and 4. Youth peeps were assigned to the ticketing booths, where we had to give the people temporary tickets the real CCP tickets. At times, it seemed like there was a war going on, and there were moments where we were just sitting and looking at the scene at the lobby. Took a couple of pics while traffic was slow too...*hint hint to Katz* hahaha I have a couple of pics in my cam too. Upload them later.
It was the youths' first time to handle ticketing...its' so different from ushering...coz people were like demanding good seats and seats that were together. The oddest question someone asked me was "Who is seated beside me?" I was dumbstruck. That question was just confusing...But yeah, he was literally asking WHO was going to sit beside him.
I loved the show! I really enjoyed the songs and the colors on the stage. The overall impact of the presentation was very good. The kid who played the narrator/Rahulla was real good too. I heard that he memorized his parts in just three days. That is really worth applauding.
We're going to have a meeting later and finish the ticket tally so we can actually count how many people went. Something like that...haha See y'all again later!
Shux! Xmas is around the corner. We have to plan a party! hahaha
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