It's only another 358 days till Christmas and 364 days till the New Year! Yey! hahaha
Anyways, guess what was the first thing I was doing this year. No, I wasn't drinking. No, I wasn't sleeping either. and definitely, I wasn't reading or partying or anything normal/abnormal(i.e. mundane stuff).So, give up guessing? I was packing, not for a trip though. There was this fire that broke out behind Chiang Kai Shek. I believe that it was a squatters area. The fire was really big and my mom was starting to panic and telling me and my sister to start packing essential and important stuff. We packed and the house was a total mess afterwards. The firetrucks came a bit later on and when they came, we breathed a bit, but the fire kept getting bigger and bigger so we were still in "pack up and flee" mode.Everything was such a blur, we woke up my grandma to tell her to get ready. And then we called up our uncle to tell him to come help grandma just in case something really happens. He was on his way here, but his daughter called my cellphone and kept on asking "Where is the fire exactly?" That was so annoying...we were already going crazy keeping an eye on the fire, packing and getting dressed, and she's still asking "Exactly, where is the fire?" My goodness!
After the fire was out, I looked at what I was wearing. Trust me. I look ridiculous! Imagine, pink striped blouse, khaki pants and blue sneakers. How mismatched! hahaha
So that was my little adventure early this 2006... =)
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