So much has happened...maybe a little too much haha either that, or I actually was "living" more this year.
Things have been crazy at times, a little overly hectic, and then, sometimes mundane and boring. There were days I got so stressed that I just wanted to lock myself in my room and curl up and sleep and not care about the world for once. I guess if I had to use one word to explain this year, it'd probably be whirlwind. So much has happened. Most of them unplanned. It is true that the only constant thing in this world is change. Change which proved that I was capable to go through hardships and come out stronger.
Memorable moments of my year 2008 include:
1) finding a new job- This happened earlier this year. Yes, it made me feel more like I had a future. However, the biggest downside would be learning to be extremely careful with what you say to people. Somehow, everybody has a hidden agenda. I now have to practice learning to be "plastic", which is extremely not me. I am the type who is so frank and straightforward. It's just too hard to live behind a mask.
2) I loved and lost. - Yes, I did. Not many people know this. I never brought this up with anyone, except a handful of people. I learned a lot through this though. It hurt a lot when after I asked for space, I found out that I loved him. I love him for his eccentricities, his kindness, his understanding, his dreams, his everything. Although yea, there are some things that he does that totally annoy me. But I love the whole package.
3) being elected as YAD President - This totally came as a surprise as I went to the elections thinking about whom to elect as President. It never went through my mind that I would be the one getting the seat. I hope I will be able to do a good job. The past President's have all been so successful. I have lots to learn, not only from them but also from the Venerables and the Uncles/auntie's as well. I hope that I will be a good leader, but I promise that I will not only lead but be lead as well. We are all in this together, and I wish that we will have more active members that will work together for a bigger and better YAD.First up, I hope everybody's ready for the summer camp next year. We've got loads of fun-filled activities waiting for all our campers this year.
Tuesday, December 30, 2008
Saturday, November 29, 2008
stepping on a glass floor
I've always been careful in everything. I tend to hold back at the last minute, thinking everything over again before making the leap. I think too much about everything. I lack spontaneity. All these are my bad traits, I know that, but somehow I just tend to be uber conservative with my decisions. With love, it was the same thing, I looked at things not just in its' emotional sense, but also the logical. I think long-term. I imagined how it would be if we did end up together. It was not really the life I would expect myself to be in, nor is it the type of family my parents would want me to be marrying into. Not that the family is bad or anything, its just that they're complicated compared to how my family is, which would be easily described as close-knit, warm and caring. Anyway, I chose to let go. It hurt, but I'm surviving. I told myself that this decision would be for the best. But I'm thinking, is this one of those times I held back again? Should I have stayed on a little longer?
Time has been extremely fast. It's been more than a month since my grandma passed away. The whole family still misses her. I still tear up at times when I think about how this Christmas she won't be beside us. It also hurts that of all the Christmas celebrations, I never thought of taking pictures. Now, all we have are memories in our head and nothing that will actually show us the look on Ama's face when she opened her presents or when she saw us opening ours or when her grandchildren were all receiving ang-pao's from her.
Time has been extremely fast. It's been more than a month since my grandma passed away. The whole family still misses her. I still tear up at times when I think about how this Christmas she won't be beside us. It also hurts that of all the Christmas celebrations, I never thought of taking pictures. Now, all we have are memories in our head and nothing that will actually show us the look on Ama's face when she opened her presents or when she saw us opening ours or when her grandchildren were all receiving ang-pao's from her.
Monday, November 03, 2008
looking back...looking forward
The past month can be summed up with one word...numbness. I think I said this in my previous entry. We were just going through everyday life without really thinking about anything. We were trying really hard to make everything seem normal, but we all can't deny that our lives will never be the same again. The past two weeks has been full of reflection, planning, contemplating, reminiscing and discussing. What are we going to do? Where are we going to go? Questions like that kept on coming up. No one wanted to give an answer to that. It really hurt whenever someone would open that topic. It almost seemed that everyone in the family was going to part ways. The past few days, I've been thinking about pushing through with the GMAT and my MBA applications. I might do part-time study for the first year, so that I will be able to get experience working abroad while I do my studies. I figure that work will be different even with whatever experience I've had here in Manila. Although I admit, working at BoC has been very helpful. It's hectic, but I learn a lot. But seriously, I don't want to be in branch banking all my life. Being a frontliner is fun, but there are times, where interaction can be too much and I just want to be in my own world. I'd still rather be an analyst or do research.
I would like to say thank you to everyone that offered their prayers in this hard time. It helps a lot knowing that people are there for me when I need cheering up.
I would like to say thank you to everyone that offered their prayers in this hard time. It helps a lot knowing that people are there for me when I need cheering up.
Tuesday, October 28, 2008
Bye Grandma...I miss you
The past two weeks have been crazy. I've somehow become numb to everything thats happening. I just get up and go, not really putting my heart into anything. I simply just did. My family lost someone very dear to us. My grandma passed away last October 14. Up until the funeral, I was still in denial. I hoped that somehow everything was just a joke and grandma was just pulling a prank on us. No one expected this unfortunate event. A-mah was fine, there was no sign whatsoever that she'd be leaving us that day. She was following the routine she usually follows. Then, it happened. I was at work when my mom told me the bad news. I wanted to leave immediately. I was hoping that a miracle would take place and my a-mah would be at home, sitting at her wheelchair, with the maid helping her with dinner.But that didn't happen, grandma was really gone. The entire family grieved the loss of the bind that tied us all together. We all had different things to do, but she was the point where everybody was connected to. Now, everybody will be going their own ways, and it's going to be rare that we see each other. I will miss that, but I will miss my grandma even more. I cried the other day when I went to the house my grandma lived in. It was mainly becuase the lack of a familiar figure, the call of my grandma when we go in, asking us if we've eaten. Now the house is just empty.
From this experience, I learned that some people can actually be both dense and tactless. Or just downright annoying. I thought one can only be one or the other. Read below, and see if you won't be annoyed. A is her, B is me. (words in parenthesis are my side comments)
A:Hi! My dad just came home and he saw you(at the funeral house). Condolence sa relative mo. Pano mo naging relative un?
B: It's my grandma...Thanx
A: I'm so sorry, di ko alam. Sabi lang ng dad ko relative mo. Condolence talaga. I know how much you love your gwa-ma. How are you doing?
B: No, not my gwa-ma, dad's side grandma. Ok naman..medyo busy the past few days coz work as usual ako. (By this message, I already wanted to hit her on the head. PLEASE...get your facts straight first.)
A: Oooopps...Sorry! Akala ko mom side mo c __________(Name of relative her dad visited) hehe Please extend my condolence sa dad mo. Naconfuse ako sa family tree mo. hehe
B: (What's so confusing about my family tree? If you asked first, you wouldn't be making that mistake. I didn't reply after this one.)
A: Buti na rin may leave ka na para di kaltas sweldo. :)
B: Kahit na wala ako leave, maglleave pa rin ako. Its my grandma no. (She just had to reply. GRRRR)
From this experience, I learned that some people can actually be both dense and tactless. Or just downright annoying. I thought one can only be one or the other. Read below, and see if you won't be annoyed. A is her, B is me. (words in parenthesis are my side comments)
A:Hi! My dad just came home and he saw you(at the funeral house). Condolence sa relative mo. Pano mo naging relative un?
B: It's my grandma...Thanx
A: I'm so sorry, di ko alam. Sabi lang ng dad ko relative mo. Condolence talaga. I know how much you love your gwa-ma. How are you doing?
B: No, not my gwa-ma, dad's side grandma. Ok naman..medyo busy the past few days coz work as usual ako. (By this message, I already wanted to hit her on the head. PLEASE...get your facts straight first.)
A: Oooopps...Sorry! Akala ko mom side mo c __________(Name of relative her dad visited) hehe Please extend my condolence sa dad mo. Naconfuse ako sa family tree mo. hehe
B: (What's so confusing about my family tree? If you asked first, you wouldn't be making that mistake. I didn't reply after this one.)
A: Buti na rin may leave ka na para di kaltas sweldo. :)
B: Kahit na wala ako leave, maglleave pa rin ako. Its my grandma no. (She just had to reply. GRRRR)
Wednesday, October 01, 2008
Mid-week respite
No work today...yey! I really need the extra day off. Have been too engrossed with work (among others, but yes, about half my day already goes to work lately that I have not had time to do stuff for myself. I can't even have a decent lunch break without people looking for me. The old saying that says all work and no play makes someone dull is so true. At times, I ask myself, "What am I doing?" There are instances wherein I'm so stressed that I lose track of what I should be doing and instead do a whole lot of stuff that isn't even part of my job responsibilities in the first place. I have to learn not to give in to demanding clients..and to prioritize my work before doing others' work.
On a side note, I am now a gym bunny again. I enrolled myself at Fitness First together with my officemates last week. Had my first gym session yesterday. Surprisingly, my muscles aren't as sore as I expected them to be. Need to lose weight before the holiday season starts. Sudden thought, I have to figure our how to maintain my weight during the holiday season if I do lose weight from now till December, that is. I hope to be able to be able to buy new clothes (in a smaller size) by December. *fingers crossed*
On a side note, I am now a gym bunny again. I enrolled myself at Fitness First together with my officemates last week. Had my first gym session yesterday. Surprisingly, my muscles aren't as sore as I expected them to be. Need to lose weight before the holiday season starts. Sudden thought, I have to figure our how to maintain my weight during the holiday season if I do lose weight from now till December, that is. I hope to be able to be able to buy new clothes (in a smaller size) by December. *fingers crossed*
Saturday, September 20, 2008
what's in my bag?
I've been experiencing soreness on my right shoulder lately. I feel that its mostly due to the fact that I fit my whole life into my bag everyday. I took out the contents of my bag and placed them on the table. There's nothing much in my bag actually, just my wallet, ID, tissue, alcohol, lotion, lip balm, and other small stuff. So, what is it that makes my bag so heavy? That is still a mystery to me. Maybe, I should just get a smaller bag, so I won't bring a lot of stuff every time I go out.

Saturday, August 30, 2008
time to celebrate
Had dinner with my officemates at Dampa last night after work. It was a semi-celebration for me as well, since am now no longer a probationary employee. Weee! I passed the training period. I was so scared I wouldn't pass since I ask a lot of questions to the officers. (Pls. put emphasis on LOT. haha) Then, I was super touched because Sir Eric told me about the contributions I have made to the banks' operations...I never thought about those as noteworthy contributions. I just felt I was helping him out, since we are a team.
Back to last nite, we left work around 530, and had trouble hailing a cab since it was Friday and gimmick day for just about everyday. Got annoyed because there were some taxi's that just wanted to go to Quezon City or somewhere else. Why do taxi's choose where they want to go? That's so ironic. When we got there, we went to the market area to buy dinner. It was pretty funny, we were all girls (7 of us) but none of us knew how to choose seafoods, so Sir Eric was the one who bought the seafoods while we all looked on and did the carrying. After we were done choosing from the array of meat, shellfish, crustaceans, and fish, we went to Robbie's where they turned the stuff we bought into mouth-watering, tummy-filling, now edible food. We were so full! And, we still had enough for takeout. All this cost each of us around Php350. Pretty cheap.
Other blog-worthy events:
-One of my friends from the embassy is going back to China. :( I'm sure going to miss her. She's also one of my favorite clients. She's always so nice to everyone, even when there are a lot of people and it takes us a while to finish her transactions.
-I'm planning to take cooking classes, baking in particular. I just feel that it's actually time I learned a skill. Or I might take up language courses, I did always want to learn how to speak French.
-Diko and family came over from New Jersey last August 12. Had lots of fun catching up and playing with my youngest cousin. Kids really do say the darnedest things.He was always saying something that made us laugh, but I think it was more of the innocent look he had on his face every time.
Back to last nite, we left work around 530, and had trouble hailing a cab since it was Friday and gimmick day for just about everyday. Got annoyed because there were some taxi's that just wanted to go to Quezon City or somewhere else. Why do taxi's choose where they want to go? That's so ironic. When we got there, we went to the market area to buy dinner. It was pretty funny, we were all girls (7 of us) but none of us knew how to choose seafoods, so Sir Eric was the one who bought the seafoods while we all looked on and did the carrying. After we were done choosing from the array of meat, shellfish, crustaceans, and fish, we went to Robbie's where they turned the stuff we bought into mouth-watering, tummy-filling, now edible food. We were so full! And, we still had enough for takeout. All this cost each of us around Php350. Pretty cheap.
Other blog-worthy events:
-One of my friends from the embassy is going back to China. :( I'm sure going to miss her. She's also one of my favorite clients. She's always so nice to everyone, even when there are a lot of people and it takes us a while to finish her transactions.
-I'm planning to take cooking classes, baking in particular. I just feel that it's actually time I learned a skill. Or I might take up language courses, I did always want to learn how to speak French.
-Diko and family came over from New Jersey last August 12. Had lots of fun catching up and playing with my youngest cousin. Kids really do say the darnedest things.He was always saying something that made us laugh, but I think it was more of the innocent look he had on his face every time.
Saturday, August 09, 2008
Be careful what you wish for, because you might just get it
There was a drought of clients last last week, so I somewhat hoped that there would be some new clients this week so that I would have something to do, aside from filing and doing other stuff that aren't really part of my job description.
Well, my wish came true this week, only the clients that came all gave me headaches. One wanted to forge the signature of the corporate secretary, the other used his maid to be the chairman of the board therefore they lacked all the necessary ID's, and yet another one forged his boss' signature on the withdrawal slip and expected us to let him withdraw...And they all got mad at me, saying why I was making it so difficult for them. Excuse me, who's making it difficult for who? What if I get audited? These people are just so unreasonable and inconsiderate. What's with these people anyway? This is not a child's game where you can make all the rules. And no, I will DEFINITELY not let you have your way just because you're Chinese and I'm Chinese. That is just not a valid reason. I really hate it when people expect me to give them special treatment just because we're both Chinese.
Well, my wish came true this week, only the clients that came all gave me headaches. One wanted to forge the signature of the corporate secretary, the other used his maid to be the chairman of the board therefore they lacked all the necessary ID's, and yet another one forged his boss' signature on the withdrawal slip and expected us to let him withdraw...And they all got mad at me, saying why I was making it so difficult for them. Excuse me, who's making it difficult for who? What if I get audited? These people are just so unreasonable and inconsiderate. What's with these people anyway? This is not a child's game where you can make all the rules. And no, I will DEFINITELY not let you have your way just because you're Chinese and I'm Chinese. That is just not a valid reason. I really hate it when people expect me to give them special treatment just because we're both Chinese.
Saturday, August 02, 2008
tu justificas mi existencia
I'm so happy lately..with this happiness it makes me kinda insecure and uneasy at times. There are times when I'm so scared that I'm going to get hurt if one day I wake up and realize that this is not what I really want. I hope that that day will not happen, or if it does, no one gets hurt by it. The latter is pretty impossible, I know. There are a lot of times where I'm not sure if what am doing is right, if he's the right person or if we are indeed a perfect match. I'm still starting to learn about love...and for now, I find that love is not just a feeling that you feel. It's more of a decision, a decision to accept a person, including his/her flaws.
I never knew how good it feels to have someone caring for you all the time.
Had dinner with Erika, Aileen, Malt at John and Yoko last Friday. Food was great..It was neo-Japanese food at its' best. Love the Crispy Squid Teriyaki and like their sushi selections.
Watched Dark Knight with Melvs last week...Heath Ledger's performance was superb! It gave me chills everytime, he put his knife close to his victims' face and asks, "Why so serious? Let me put a smile on your face."
I never knew how good it feels to have someone caring for you all the time.
Had dinner with Erika, Aileen, Malt at John and Yoko last Friday. Food was great..It was neo-Japanese food at its' best. Love the Crispy Squid Teriyaki and like their sushi selections.
Watched Dark Knight with Melvs last week...Heath Ledger's performance was superb! It gave me chills everytime, he put his knife close to his victims' face and asks, "Why so serious? Let me put a smile on your face."
Sunday, July 27, 2008
Happy birthday to me...
Thank you to all my friends that remembered and greeted. It really warms my heart that you guys remembered me. Just reading your birthday greetings first thing in the morning when I woke up really made my day.
I am enjoying my birthday this year. I spent yesterday afternoon at Bonifacio High Street with Melvin. started at Rox, where we checked out adventure gear for him, and my feet automatically brought me to the bags section. hehe checked out the new Jansport backpacks. After a few stores, we got hungry, so we headed to Chelsea and had a snack of Norwegian Salmon pasta and APple Crumble. Loved the pasta...too much capers though. After that, rain came, so we had no choice but to go over to Market Market, where we enjoyed the latest Batman movie. Great movie...Although, I wonder why Batman was able to let Joker go, and allow Harvey Dent to die.
After the movie, had a sort of late dinner at Hap Chan. On the way home, we passed by Fully Booked, and knowing me, I couldn't resist the call of bookstores. hehe All the books are on sale...If it weren't for my curfew, I would have wanted to stay till the speakers announce that the shop was going to close. hehe
Overall, this has been one of the most memorable birthdays I've had so far...Hope I'll be spending it like this every year from now on... :P
I am enjoying my birthday this year. I spent yesterday afternoon at Bonifacio High Street with Melvin. started at Rox, where we checked out adventure gear for him, and my feet automatically brought me to the bags section. hehe checked out the new Jansport backpacks. After a few stores, we got hungry, so we headed to Chelsea and had a snack of Norwegian Salmon pasta and APple Crumble. Loved the pasta...too much capers though. After that, rain came, so we had no choice but to go over to Market Market, where we enjoyed the latest Batman movie. Great movie...Although, I wonder why Batman was able to let Joker go, and allow Harvey Dent to die.
After the movie, had a sort of late dinner at Hap Chan. On the way home, we passed by Fully Booked, and knowing me, I couldn't resist the call of bookstores. hehe All the books are on sale...If it weren't for my curfew, I would have wanted to stay till the speakers announce that the shop was going to close. hehe
Overall, this has been one of the most memorable birthdays I've had so far...Hope I'll be spending it like this every year from now on... :P
Thursday, June 26, 2008
Mid-year entry
So much has changed this year…I changed a lot, too. I changed my hairstyle(not really changed changed, but I had it rebonded), I transferred to a new job, I’ve begun to explore new things, I’m gaining new experiences, etc. But really, what is it that I want to do? Is it all this that’s been part of my life the past 22 years? Or is it something more? My life has been the same in my 22 years. My family is quite reserved, so there’s not really much room for me to explore or wander…am restricted to just daydreaming about stuff. Is it just because there’s no room for me to fail? Or is it just because I was never given the opportunity to fail? I’ve been so sheltered all my life, that I’ve never known how it’s like to really live. I’ve never had to worry about anything...not exactly anything, I used to worry when it was course card distribution day that I would get a 1.0 or worse, a 0.0 in my course card. But really, that doesn’t really count as a problem compared to what other people go through, right? I’ve always been too careful. I’ve never really given myself a chance to learn how to get out of my comfort zone, to cry, to let go, to fall, to grow up. Yes, that’s what I want to do.
Memorable events:
1) Was able to catch the farewell run of Avenue Q with Erika last Saturday, June 21. It was wonderfully entertaining. Love how it was presented in a Sesame Street-ish way. The actors were so good, some were even controlling two puppets for the show. I love the songs in the musical, especially the one’s performed in the latter part of the show. They were all so catchy. As of today, I am still humming “It sucks to be me”. Haha
2) I’m no longer confused. I now know what he is thinking. Now, I’m the one that’s confusing him. And for that, I apologize. I like you a lot, but there are just some things that I am not sure of.
Memorable events:
1) Was able to catch the farewell run of Avenue Q with Erika last Saturday, June 21. It was wonderfully entertaining. Love how it was presented in a Sesame Street-ish way. The actors were so good, some were even controlling two puppets for the show. I love the songs in the musical, especially the one’s performed in the latter part of the show. They were all so catchy. As of today, I am still humming “It sucks to be me”. Haha
2) I’m no longer confused. I now know what he is thinking. Now, I’m the one that’s confusing him. And for that, I apologize. I like you a lot, but there are just some things that I am not sure of.
Monday, June 09, 2008
I feel that I'm stuck....stuck in the moment, stuck at the crossroads (even before I get there). I'm so confused. I can't really put a finger on what it is that's making me feel this way. But somehow, I feel that what I'm doing now doesn't really match with my life's long term goals. Then, there are things that are happening that I'm not sure what I really want. It's the long time question that I've been thinking about, career or family? That's the end all and be all of every question thats hanging about my head right now actually. I find the answer to that, and I will have a clear sense of where I want to go then..hopefully.
Sunday, May 18, 2008
comfort zones
I've always suffered from self-esteem issues. I totally lacked confdence when I was younger, I felt that I wasn't pretty and that I would never really amount to being someone successful. With that mindset, I kept my chin down when I walk, keeping to myself a lot, staying quiet. I was pretty much a loser back then. haha But then I learned to listen, I just listen. haha I never really know how to react to what another person says. I think I cared too much about what other people thought of me, I still do actually, although not as much anymore.
There were times when I acted like a total pain-in-the-ass though...those were the times wherein people wanted to boss me around and I just wanted to be left alone. I apologized after, but I know that somehow, things will neer go back to what the once were. It's not just people bossing me around, there are some pretty unreasonable people out there, and those I probably won't apologize to. I seem quiet and all, but I also have a patience limit, eh?
I know that deep down, the confidence has always been there, but I was just too shy to bring it out. I was always scared that I might become tactless or be intimidating to others. Yeah...I guess refraining to express myself more made me weak. Now, I'm determined to be more outgoing, be more expressive, have more sense of individuality. First step, I need to get out of my comfort zone...
There were times when I acted like a total pain-in-the-ass though...those were the times wherein people wanted to boss me around and I just wanted to be left alone. I apologized after, but I know that somehow, things will neer go back to what the once were. It's not just people bossing me around, there are some pretty unreasonable people out there, and those I probably won't apologize to. I seem quiet and all, but I also have a patience limit, eh?
I know that deep down, the confidence has always been there, but I was just too shy to bring it out. I was always scared that I might become tactless or be intimidating to others. Yeah...I guess refraining to express myself more made me weak. Now, I'm determined to be more outgoing, be more expressive, have more sense of individuality. First step, I need to get out of my comfort zone...
Saturday, May 03, 2008
Have been pondering about the highly complex, and extremely confusing topic of love lately. I'm somehow exploring that now, you see. Yeah, I know, I've always been a late bloomer. But then, better late than never, eh? Anyway, I'm trying to figure out if I really like someone. It's just so hard, he does stuff sometimes that on any given day could be endearing or something that would tick me off(if I prefer to think about it) on another day. I know, maybe I'm just being too picky. But hey, we're talking long term relationships here. Really, I'm so confused. Well, he's sending me really mixed signals that I can't seem to figure out too. First few dates, he's like, "I like being single." After a few dates, he doesn't mention that again, and starts talking relationships. I think I'll end it at this until the question mark above my head disappears. hehe
But on my end, I'm not rushing into a relationship yet. I'm still trying to figure out what I want in life. I believe that I still want to have a stable career first before I go into a relationship. Then, I also plan to pursue an MBA abroad, and I don't think that I'm the type to let go of that dream just for a relationship. I'd try my best to maintain both, but I won't let go of one for the other.
But on my end, I'm not rushing into a relationship yet. I'm still trying to figure out what I want in life. I believe that I still want to have a stable career first before I go into a relationship. Then, I also plan to pursue an MBA abroad, and I don't think that I'm the type to let go of that dream just for a relationship. I'd try my best to maintain both, but I won't let go of one for the other.
monthly roundup?
This is a long overdue post...Haha SO much has happened, at least that's how it feels. Training has been over for a couple of weeks. I pretty much have the account opening process faultless. And I feel my brain capacity has somewhat improved from remembering where every single document or file is placed (or at times, who last borrowed it). Aside from that, I have to remember which client is coming and what his/her name is, lest my boss asks me who the person is and I just stare blankly at him. Getting my brain to work after one year of dullness is extremely hard, but now, I believe the rust has shed off and I'm getting better response from my brain. Haha There are overtimes now and then, but I’m fine with it. At least when I finish my work at the office, I don’t have to think about it after I get home.
Aside from work, had two out of town trips this summer. One was to Japan, which I believe I have already mentioned in my previous post(Sorry, I haven't provided a more detailed account of the trip. Have been too busy.) and the other trip was with my officemates on the company outing to Boracay. I am not really a beach person, but I seem to like the nice, breathtaking, blue water scene in front of me in Boracay. I love the ultra fine, almost powdery, white sand in Station 1. I vow to stay at Station 1, particularly Discovery Shores, the next time I go to Boracay. Haha
Movie reviews naman...Recently saw Forbidden Kingdom recently. Great cast. Liu Yifei was so pretty! She looks better in ancient Chinese dramas than in the modern attire. Aside from the cast, I liked the SFX too. Makeup was also wonderful. I didn't even recognize Jet Li as the Monkey King at first. The script was also funny. The funny lines were mostly delivered by Jackie usual. Melvin felt that the ending was pretty bitin. But for me, it was alright. The movie closed well.
Aside from work, had two out of town trips this summer. One was to Japan, which I believe I have already mentioned in my previous post(Sorry, I haven't provided a more detailed account of the trip. Have been too busy.) and the other trip was with my officemates on the company outing to Boracay. I am not really a beach person, but I seem to like the nice, breathtaking, blue water scene in front of me in Boracay. I love the ultra fine, almost powdery, white sand in Station 1. I vow to stay at Station 1, particularly Discovery Shores, the next time I go to Boracay. Haha
Movie reviews naman...Recently saw Forbidden Kingdom recently. Great cast. Liu Yifei was so pretty! She looks better in ancient Chinese dramas than in the modern attire. Aside from the cast, I liked the SFX too. Makeup was also wonderful. I didn't even recognize Jet Li as the Monkey King at first. The script was also funny. The funny lines were mostly delivered by Jackie usual. Melvin felt that the ending was pretty bitin. But for me, it was alright. The movie closed well.
Wednesday, April 02, 2008
My mind is spinning
Information overload....thats what I think is happening to my brain right now. There's just too much to do, to think about, to absorb, to digest at my new job. Every minute of every workday, I have to think, check my memory if what am about to do is right and actually do it. About 60% of the time, I just pray that whatever I am doing is right. haha
Enough about the stress-contributing subject...I was in Japan last week for a pleasure trip with my family. I can totally imagine living there. hehe People there are so polite. Security is also pretty good. I like the weather, nice and cool. Ok, maybe I didn't like the day it rained. But it rains everywhere. hehe I also like how it's safe to walk outside at night. I just have to learn how to speak Japanese though, I had a hard time with the language barrier.
Enough about the stress-contributing subject...I was in Japan last week for a pleasure trip with my family. I can totally imagine living there. hehe People there are so polite. Security is also pretty good. I like the weather, nice and cool. Ok, maybe I didn't like the day it rained. But it rains everywhere. hehe I also like how it's safe to walk outside at night. I just have to learn how to speak Japanese though, I had a hard time with the language barrier.
Sunday, March 09, 2008
weekend March 8, 2008
It's been a week since I started my new far, so good. It's really exhausting for now since I am still undergoing training and I am still yet to get used to the system and all. But this job gives me a sense of fulfillment, and a whole lot of responsibility. One wrong input will make a really big impact so I have to be sure about what the transaction is about.
I went to Manila Ocean Park with Melvin yesterday. The place is located behind Quirino Grandstand, near Manila Hotel. What can I say about the place? Well, there was a lot of lining up, namely: lining up for tickets, lining up to get in, lining up to go into the underwater tunnel(or whatever they call it). The line for tickets started on the sidewalk! And I thought that the lines wouldn't be that long since it was a Saturday and all. Then it took another 20 minutes or so to get inside the aquarium proper. The aquarium is not yet fully functional yet, by the way. There's still a lot of construction work going on. The oceanarium is divided into 2 floors, the main aquariums are on the first floor, then the second floor has an activity center, that has a fish spa (This requires a payment of Php100 aside from the entrance fee of Php400).
I was reading the oceanarium's tour guidebook and it says that they paln to add a mall, and hotel to the complex. Er...the hotel, I can understand, but the mall? Isn't the point of going to the ocean park to relax and be closer to nature? What's the mall for? Oh yeah, just remembered something, the location of the ocean park is so ironic. There was a line of seafood restaurants just on the left of the oceanarium.
After the trip to the Manila Ocean Park, we went to Greenbelt to watch 10,000 B.C. Everlett is so pretty! I like her blue eyes. It makes me want to get blue contact lenses. haha JK The ending was so touching, considering it was a movie that involved hunting, fighting, etc.
I went to Manila Ocean Park with Melvin yesterday. The place is located behind Quirino Grandstand, near Manila Hotel. What can I say about the place? Well, there was a lot of lining up, namely: lining up for tickets, lining up to get in, lining up to go into the underwater tunnel(or whatever they call it). The line for tickets started on the sidewalk! And I thought that the lines wouldn't be that long since it was a Saturday and all. Then it took another 20 minutes or so to get inside the aquarium proper. The aquarium is not yet fully functional yet, by the way. There's still a lot of construction work going on. The oceanarium is divided into 2 floors, the main aquariums are on the first floor, then the second floor has an activity center, that has a fish spa (This requires a payment of Php100 aside from the entrance fee of Php400).
I was reading the oceanarium's tour guidebook and it says that they paln to add a mall, and hotel to the complex. Er...the hotel, I can understand, but the mall? Isn't the point of going to the ocean park to relax and be closer to nature? What's the mall for? Oh yeah, just remembered something, the location of the ocean park is so ironic. There was a line of seafood restaurants just on the left of the oceanarium.
After the trip to the Manila Ocean Park, we went to Greenbelt to watch 10,000 B.C. Everlett is so pretty! I like her blue eyes. It makes me want to get blue contact lenses. haha JK The ending was so touching, considering it was a movie that involved hunting, fighting, etc.
Thursday, February 28, 2008
the countdown begins
Tomorrow is going to be my last day work. I feel kinda sad, leaving this familiar environment and the good company I've had for exactly 1 year and 1 month and 1 week. What I'm feeling now is a mix actually...I'm excited to start with my new job, yet I am sure I am going to miss my officemates at TBN. Sure there are times wherein I wake up and just dread having to go to work, times wherein I get real frustrated because of the huge load of projects coming in, how some people think we're underworked/overpaid. But even with that, this has been a very meaningful experience. Of course, I am still looking forward to a new environment, new work challenges, new experiences.
I have a lot of things on my mind right now.
1. Problems with my ATM. I got debited even when the money didn't come out. :( The person at the bank checked and my account was back to the way it was, but it doesn't reflect on the ATM machine. Have to check with the head office in a few days.
2. Clearance signature. Thats for tomorrow...but I'm praying that everybody that has to sign my clearance to resign will be here at the office tomorrow.
3. Clothes. I have to go shopping for corporate attire. Since my soon to be previous job doesn't require me to dress up. My wardrobe hasn't really changed since college. Let's see, I need blouses, shoes and a bag (the bags I use now are uhm...too gimmick-ish). This brings back to problem number 1. I can't withdraw money while thats there. :(( waah!
“You can only become truly accomplished at something you love. Don't make money your goal. Instead, pursue the things you love doing, and then do them so well that people can't take their eyes off you.”-Maya Angelou
I have a lot of things on my mind right now.
1. Problems with my ATM. I got debited even when the money didn't come out. :( The person at the bank checked and my account was back to the way it was, but it doesn't reflect on the ATM machine. Have to check with the head office in a few days.
2. Clearance signature. Thats for tomorrow...but I'm praying that everybody that has to sign my clearance to resign will be here at the office tomorrow.
3. Clothes. I have to go shopping for corporate attire. Since my soon to be previous job doesn't require me to dress up. My wardrobe hasn't really changed since college. Let's see, I need blouses, shoes and a bag (the bags I use now are uhm...too gimmick-ish). This brings back to problem number 1. I can't withdraw money while thats there. :(( waah!
“You can only become truly accomplished at something you love. Don't make money your goal. Instead, pursue the things you love doing, and then do them so well that people can't take their eyes off you.”-Maya Angelou
Tuesday, February 26, 2008
looooong weekend
I took a leave at work last Friday, so I had a 4 day weekend. It was so much fun, I missed waking up late, and curling up on the lazyboy with a good book (In this case,the name of the book is Wicked). On second thought, it wasn't really fun, coz the reason that I was absent was that I was sick. I got sick from eating cake icing. :( Now, there's a long list of stuff I can't eat while I'm still recovering. Having to go to the bathroom a lot in one day is not exactly how I define fun. Although the chance to relax for a few days was great!
姨媽 came over from Toronto. That means lots of good food over the next few weeks! Yey! Hope I'm well enough by then. hehe
I have a new job. Starting next week, I will no longer be a translator for Christian TV programs. Praise the Lord!(That's actually one of the programs I'm translating. haha) Since this is exactly the kind of job that I do see myself doing in the long term, post-grad studies will have to wait. Now, I have more time to determine which I want to go for, an MBA or an MCIT degree? Both degrees have their own distinct specialties, and they gear towards different career paths (unless I go for an MBA specializing in Information Management, but thats still different from what I would learn with an MCIT). I feel that I should work in a more corporate setting to be able to understand more clearly what I want, what I need, and what fits me the best.
姨媽 came over from Toronto. That means lots of good food over the next few weeks! Yey! Hope I'm well enough by then. hehe
I have a new job. Starting next week, I will no longer be a translator for Christian TV programs. Praise the Lord!(That's actually one of the programs I'm translating. haha) Since this is exactly the kind of job that I do see myself doing in the long term, post-grad studies will have to wait. Now, I have more time to determine which I want to go for, an MBA or an MCIT degree? Both degrees have their own distinct specialties, and they gear towards different career paths (unless I go for an MBA specializing in Information Management, but thats still different from what I would learn with an MCIT). I feel that I should work in a more corporate setting to be able to understand more clearly what I want, what I need, and what fits me the best.
Tuesday, February 19, 2008
got this while I was blog-surfing....
By Pamela Redmond Satran
In the eight years since Glamour first published this list, it has been attributed to Maya Angelou (nope), been posted on countless websites and fridges (thank you very much) and inspired millions of women all over the world (love that).
In May of 1997, I wrote this list. I had passed my thirtieth birthday and wanted to tell younger women about the things I really wished I'd had and known by that important milestone. I guess people agreed with what I had to say, because a few years later the list showed up in my e-mail inbox; a friend had forwarded it to me for my reading pleasure, completely unaware that I was the author. After that, every month or two someone would send it to me and I'd immediately hit \"reply all\" and type, \"Hey, that was me! I wrote that for Glamour.\" (After a while, I don't think anyone believed me.) The list became a phenomenon; posted on hundreds of websites, it was attributed to everyone from Jesse Jackson to Maya Angelou to Hillary Clinton. Someone even published it as an anonymously written book. As I read over these lines now, so many of them still seem worth having and knowing—whether you're 30 or 22 or 75. Being a little older and wiser, I've plugged in a few new \"shoulds.\" By all means, add some of your own.
1. One old boyfriend you can imagine going back to and one who reminds you of how far you've come.
2. A decent piece of furniture not previously owned by anyone else in your family.
3. Something perfect to wear if the employer or man of your dreams wants to see you in an hour.
4. A purse, a suitcase and an umbrella you're not ashamed to be seen carrying.
5. A youth you're content to move beyond.
6. A past juicy enough that you're looking to forward to retelling it in your old age.
7. The realization that you are actually going to have an old age—and some money set aside to help fund it.
8. An e-mail address, a voice mailbox and a bank account—all of which nobody has access to but you.
9. A résume that is not even the slightest bit padded.
10. One friend who always makes you laugh and one who lets you cry.
11. A set of screwdrivers, a cordless drill and a black lace bra.
12. Something ridiculously expensive that you bought for yourself, just because you deserve it.
13. The belief that you deserve it.
14. A skin-care regimen, an exercise routine and a plan for dealing with those few other facets of life that don't get better after 30.
15. A solid start on a satisfying career, a satisfying relationship and all those other facets of life that do get better.
1. How to fall in love without losing yourself.
2. How you feel about having kids.
3. How to quit a job, break up with a man and confront a friend without ruining the friendship.
4. When to try harder and when to walk away.
5. How to kiss in a way that communicates perfectly what you would and wouldn't like to happen next.
6. The names of: the secretary of state, your great-grandmother and the best tailor in town.
7. How to live alone, even if you don't like to.
8. How to take control of your own birthday.
9. That you can't change the length of your calves, the width of your hips or the nature of your parents.
10. That your childhood may not have been perfect, but it's over.
11. What you would and wouldn't do for money or love.
12. That nobody gets away with smoking, drinking, doing drugs or not flossing for very long.
13. Who you can trust, who you can't and why you shouldn't take it personally.
14. Not to apologize for something that isn't your fault.
15. Why they say life begins at 30.
By Pamela Redmond Satran
In the eight years since Glamour first published this list, it has been attributed to Maya Angelou (nope), been posted on countless websites and fridges (thank you very much) and inspired millions of women all over the world (love that).
In May of 1997, I wrote this list. I had passed my thirtieth birthday and wanted to tell younger women about the things I really wished I'd had and known by that important milestone. I guess people agreed with what I had to say, because a few years later the list showed up in my e-mail inbox; a friend had forwarded it to me for my reading pleasure, completely unaware that I was the author. After that, every month or two someone would send it to me and I'd immediately hit \"reply all\" and type, \"Hey, that was me! I wrote that for Glamour.\" (After a while, I don't think anyone believed me.) The list became a phenomenon; posted on hundreds of websites, it was attributed to everyone from Jesse Jackson to Maya Angelou to Hillary Clinton. Someone even published it as an anonymously written book. As I read over these lines now, so many of them still seem worth having and knowing—whether you're 30 or 22 or 75. Being a little older and wiser, I've plugged in a few new \"shoulds.\" By all means, add some of your own.
1. One old boyfriend you can imagine going back to and one who reminds you of how far you've come.
2. A decent piece of furniture not previously owned by anyone else in your family.
3. Something perfect to wear if the employer or man of your dreams wants to see you in an hour.
4. A purse, a suitcase and an umbrella you're not ashamed to be seen carrying.
5. A youth you're content to move beyond.
6. A past juicy enough that you're looking to forward to retelling it in your old age.
7. The realization that you are actually going to have an old age—and some money set aside to help fund it.
8. An e-mail address, a voice mailbox and a bank account—all of which nobody has access to but you.
9. A résume that is not even the slightest bit padded.
10. One friend who always makes you laugh and one who lets you cry.
11. A set of screwdrivers, a cordless drill and a black lace bra.
12. Something ridiculously expensive that you bought for yourself, just because you deserve it.
13. The belief that you deserve it.
14. A skin-care regimen, an exercise routine and a plan for dealing with those few other facets of life that don't get better after 30.
15. A solid start on a satisfying career, a satisfying relationship and all those other facets of life that do get better.
1. How to fall in love without losing yourself.
2. How you feel about having kids.
3. How to quit a job, break up with a man and confront a friend without ruining the friendship.
4. When to try harder and when to walk away.
5. How to kiss in a way that communicates perfectly what you would and wouldn't like to happen next.
6. The names of: the secretary of state, your great-grandmother and the best tailor in town.
7. How to live alone, even if you don't like to.
8. How to take control of your own birthday.
9. That you can't change the length of your calves, the width of your hips or the nature of your parents.
10. That your childhood may not have been perfect, but it's over.
11. What you would and wouldn't do for money or love.
12. That nobody gets away with smoking, drinking, doing drugs or not flossing for very long.
13. Who you can trust, who you can't and why you shouldn't take it personally.
14. Not to apologize for something that isn't your fault.
15. Why they say life begins at 30.
Monday, February 11, 2008
Disaster in the kitchen
Here's my(ours rather) little Sunday afternoon adventure:
Shobe and I got hungry at around 3 yesterday and we wanted to fix ourselves something to eat. Shobe saw the two tikoys left over from the Chinese New Year, and she wanted to cook that. We didn't have any more eggs at home so shobe went over to Grannie's to "borrow" 2. hehe Here's my part of the adventure. I didn't know that tikoys had plastic that was practically glued on the bottom due to the stickiness of the malagkit. I had a super hard time peeling off the plastic. It was so hard to tell which was plastic and which, tikoy...haha I also had trouble cutting it at first, but things eased up after I put water on the knife before I cut the tikoy. That little偷吃步saved a lot of trouble. My hands were still real sticky with tikoy from the peeling and cutting though. By the time we finished cooking, we sort of made a mess in the kitchen. :P
Movies recently seen: Alvin and the Chipmunks, Ballet Shoes, Lust/Caution, I Could Never Be Your Woman
Shobe and I got hungry at around 3 yesterday and we wanted to fix ourselves something to eat. Shobe saw the two tikoys left over from the Chinese New Year, and she wanted to cook that. We didn't have any more eggs at home so shobe went over to Grannie's to "borrow" 2. hehe Here's my part of the adventure. I didn't know that tikoys had plastic that was practically glued on the bottom due to the stickiness of the malagkit. I had a super hard time peeling off the plastic. It was so hard to tell which was plastic and which, tikoy...haha I also had trouble cutting it at first, but things eased up after I put water on the knife before I cut the tikoy. That little偷吃步saved a lot of trouble. My hands were still real sticky with tikoy from the peeling and cutting though. By the time we finished cooking, we sort of made a mess in the kitchen. :P
Movies recently seen: Alvin and the Chipmunks, Ballet Shoes, Lust/Caution, I Could Never Be Your Woman
Thursday, February 07, 2008
I had to come to work today. :( No holiday for me. I miss studying in a Chinese school. I need some Z's after the celebration that ended late last night. I could have opted not to come in, but I'd be wasting one of my leaves. hehe
I met Atsi Sheryl at the temple last night. She's now 6 months pregnant! She looks so cute...I think the word should be blooming. hehe She was telling me about the things that her baby does, like kicking when she's about to undergo a Ultrasound, etc. I can tell that Atsi Sheryl is super duper excited. I guess all first-time parents are like that. They don't know the sex of the baby yet though, coz according to their OB-Gyne, the baby is faced inward. Aww....boy or girl, I bet the baby is going to be uber cute. :D
Thursday, January 31, 2008
oh! how sweet!
got this while I was blog-surfing...I found it inspirational and touching.
A Letter To The One That God Has Prepared For Me
I am wondering at this very minute if you are thinking of me. If like me, you are wondering what is taking us so long to find each other. Many times I thought I finally found you only to be disillusioned by the fact that my wait has not yet ended. I get up each morning hoping, dreaming, longing to meet you.
I am thinking of how we will meet, would it be as romantic as the ones I have seen in movies? Or is it possible that I have known you all my life but we have yet to realize that we are meant for each other? Oh how I wish you were here right now because you are the only one who has the answers to all my questions.
Sometimes I ask myself if I have ever really known love. I do not have the answer to that question either but I believe that, more often than not, we will never really know what love is until we find that right person; and since I have not found you yet, then maybe I do not really know what love is!
You just dont know how often I dream of finally knowing what it feels like to be in your arms. Even at this very moment I am imagining how you will simply sweep me off
my feet! Perhaps your smile, or your eyes would draw me to you, or maybe even how you manage to make me laugh by your silly little ways!
I don't really know for sure but I am praying that God will help me recognize you when the right time comes. I think of all the pain that I have gone through in the past and of how much I have cried since the day I began my search. I just wanted you to know that I find my strength in clinging onto my vision of the beautiful life ahead of me - the life I shall spend with you. In my mind and in my heart I know that you are worth all the pain and sacrifice.
After all, the tears have become a part of my life and I believe that they are slowly washing away my flaws so that I would become perfect, not perfect in its truest sense, but perfect - for you! I wonder if youve gone through so much pain as well. I wonder if youve been hurt so many times along the journey.
But my dearest one, please dont ever give up because I am right here; patiently waiting for you! I assure you that when we finally find each other I would slowly heal those wounds by my love.
At night, I would look out my window and stare at the beautiful sky. Hoping that somehow you are wondering about me. I utter a silent prayer and send all my cries to the heavens above thinking that in time they would reach you. And when I feel impatient, I just close my eyes and believe that you are on your way and that you are longing to see me as well. It is funny but when I finally fall asleep, it is still you that I think of, for you are always in my dreams. It seems that, for now, that is the only place where I can hold on to you, long enough to tell you how much I love you. In my dreams you would kiss away my fears and wrap me with your arms of love. And this, all the more, makes me want to wake up and face the new day ahead with the hope that soon enough, you will no longer be a dream but a reality and once again I am assured that you are worth the wait. And when the time comes, everything will fall into its place, just as I had imagined, just as I had thought and dreamed, just as I had believed it would be! By then, I would simply look back and smile at all that I have gone through, in spite of the pain and amidst the simple joys of life and I would be very thankful because they all led me to you!
In the meantime, take care of yourself for me. Hold on to our dream and don't even think of letting go. Believe in your heart that we will find each other no matter what happens. God has planned the course and it is up to us to follow the directions. Don't worry; don't be afraid about getting lost. God saw to it that all the roads, no matter which one you choose to follow, lead to me.
A Letter To The One That God Has Prepared For Me
I am wondering at this very minute if you are thinking of me. If like me, you are wondering what is taking us so long to find each other. Many times I thought I finally found you only to be disillusioned by the fact that my wait has not yet ended. I get up each morning hoping, dreaming, longing to meet you.
I am thinking of how we will meet, would it be as romantic as the ones I have seen in movies? Or is it possible that I have known you all my life but we have yet to realize that we are meant for each other? Oh how I wish you were here right now because you are the only one who has the answers to all my questions.
Sometimes I ask myself if I have ever really known love. I do not have the answer to that question either but I believe that, more often than not, we will never really know what love is until we find that right person; and since I have not found you yet, then maybe I do not really know what love is!
You just dont know how often I dream of finally knowing what it feels like to be in your arms. Even at this very moment I am imagining how you will simply sweep me off
my feet! Perhaps your smile, or your eyes would draw me to you, or maybe even how you manage to make me laugh by your silly little ways!
I don't really know for sure but I am praying that God will help me recognize you when the right time comes. I think of all the pain that I have gone through in the past and of how much I have cried since the day I began my search. I just wanted you to know that I find my strength in clinging onto my vision of the beautiful life ahead of me - the life I shall spend with you. In my mind and in my heart I know that you are worth all the pain and sacrifice.
After all, the tears have become a part of my life and I believe that they are slowly washing away my flaws so that I would become perfect, not perfect in its truest sense, but perfect - for you! I wonder if youve gone through so much pain as well. I wonder if youve been hurt so many times along the journey.
But my dearest one, please dont ever give up because I am right here; patiently waiting for you! I assure you that when we finally find each other I would slowly heal those wounds by my love.
At night, I would look out my window and stare at the beautiful sky. Hoping that somehow you are wondering about me. I utter a silent prayer and send all my cries to the heavens above thinking that in time they would reach you. And when I feel impatient, I just close my eyes and believe that you are on your way and that you are longing to see me as well. It is funny but when I finally fall asleep, it is still you that I think of, for you are always in my dreams. It seems that, for now, that is the only place where I can hold on to you, long enough to tell you how much I love you. In my dreams you would kiss away my fears and wrap me with your arms of love. And this, all the more, makes me want to wake up and face the new day ahead with the hope that soon enough, you will no longer be a dream but a reality and once again I am assured that you are worth the wait. And when the time comes, everything will fall into its place, just as I had imagined, just as I had thought and dreamed, just as I had believed it would be! By then, I would simply look back and smile at all that I have gone through, in spite of the pain and amidst the simple joys of life and I would be very thankful because they all led me to you!
In the meantime, take care of yourself for me. Hold on to our dream and don't even think of letting go. Believe in your heart that we will find each other no matter what happens. God has planned the course and it is up to us to follow the directions. Don't worry; don't be afraid about getting lost. God saw to it that all the roads, no matter which one you choose to follow, lead to me.
Monday, January 28, 2008
going crazy
Have been mapping out alternative futures in my head the past few days. Now, I'm picking up my review books again. I am seriously considering a Master's degree now. There were a lot of factors contributing to this decision, first being, my dad's friend informed me about this great program that could be the start of a whole lot of opportunities. Second, I can't seem to get a new job that has more career growth, so I have to learn something new. Third, which is partly related to the second,one of my officemates was talking about jobs that are much similar to one I am doing now, except that those companies pay better, and I don't think I'd like to be translating forever. Even if pay is really, really good.
Tuesday, January 22, 2008
one year at work
Today marks my first year here at my first real job. Is it good or bad? The good would be that I have a stable job in a very safe work environment. The bad would be I have no chances for career in 0.00%. Oh, yeah, another good thing is that we have free time once in a while....although some people tend to multitask and watch videos while working. *tsk tsk* haha It's not a crime, but hey, who long as you do a good job, right? Anyway, as one of my previous officemates said, "Binabayaran ka para manuod ng series at movies, san ka pa?" Might I say, our salary is actually quite enticing? haha This is a good job except that it's totally not a career.
This said, I am now considering my options.
met up with my HS friends last Saturday. It was the first time in months that we saw each other. I totally miss HS days. Thanks to Ka for the doggie keychain, and Lin for the hair spa..They smell real good. :)
This said, I am now considering my options.
met up with my HS friends last Saturday. It was the first time in months that we saw each other. I totally miss HS days. Thanks to Ka for the doggie keychain, and Lin for the hair spa..They smell real good. :)
Monday, January 14, 2008
Love Diva

I'm currently listening to F.I.R's newest album Love Diva(愛· 歌姬). I totally love the music F.I.R makes! Fave tracks are 第十行星 and 月牙灣. Wish I could sing like Faye.F.I.R has definitely evolved. Compared to their previous albums, the new album has a jazz-y feel to it.
Weekend roundup:
My weekend started early as I took a half day leave off work on Friday because I had a job interview. After that, I went to Greenbelt to meet up with mom and dad who were shopping there. I bought a top at Zara, and a pair of shorts at M&S. =)
I spent the entire Saturday in front of the PC. Fixing the desktop and installing some programs on my laptop and putting album covers on the songs in my iTunes library. Really, my iPod is making me so O.C. haha
Yesterday, we went to Grandma's house to have an advance celebration of her birthday. She's turning 88 this year.
"Sometimes you need to step outside, clear your head and remind yourself of who you are. And where you wanna be. And sometimes you have to venture outside your world in order to find yourself."- Gossip Girl
Friday, January 04, 2008
Happy New Year!
Happy New Year everybody!
As you all saw with my last entry, nothing really significant happened in 2007. I guess I was still adjusting to the "real" world. haha yeah, that's just an excuse, I know. Well here are the 5 things that I hope to achieve this year.
1. get a new job (aka have a career shift) - I love my job and all, but this is not something I'd want to be doing forever. Or worse, something I'm doing when everybody is doing something I would want to be doing.
2. get a good GMAT score/ learn something new - by good I mean 650-ish. I'm so grade conscious. haha But it's a goal that I hope to achieve. At least it keeps me motivated to review. As for the latter one, I want to take up a cooking course. hehe
3. get healthy- All this sitting at work is making me lethargic. Need to move more.
4. master a foreign language - been trying to do this one for years. I've tried learning Spanish, Korean and Cantonese. I haven't succeeded in being fluent in any of those languages.
5. meet new friends - no explanation needed. Everybody likes to meet new people, right?
Let's hope I get to accomplish at least 2 of those. Wish me luck!
As you all saw with my last entry, nothing really significant happened in 2007. I guess I was still adjusting to the "real" world. haha yeah, that's just an excuse, I know. Well here are the 5 things that I hope to achieve this year.
1. get a new job (aka have a career shift) - I love my job and all, but this is not something I'd want to be doing forever. Or worse, something I'm doing when everybody is doing something I would want to be doing.
2. get a good GMAT score/ learn something new - by good I mean 650-ish. I'm so grade conscious. haha But it's a goal that I hope to achieve. At least it keeps me motivated to review. As for the latter one, I want to take up a cooking course. hehe
3. get healthy- All this sitting at work is making me lethargic. Need to move more.
4. master a foreign language - been trying to do this one for years. I've tried learning Spanish, Korean and Cantonese. I haven't succeeded in being fluent in any of those languages.
5. meet new friends - no explanation needed. Everybody likes to meet new people, right?
Let's hope I get to accomplish at least 2 of those. Wish me luck!
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