Friday, December 28, 2007

Year-ender post

Today is the last workday of the year. Yey! I just realized that I've been working for 11 months already. I can't believe how this year went by so fast. Another year is about to come to a close.

A lot has happened in a span of one year. It's like when you're in the midst of things and yet you still can't seem to grasp what is really happening until it's over.

Here are the highlights of my 2007:
1: Started working- This happened early this year, around late January. I started job-hunting last year, but 2006 just wasn't my year. haha I remember being accepted to 2 companies in 2006, but come the time where I had to sign the contract (or whatever they call it), the HR people of those 2 companies never called back, and calls to them would just have the reply that they'd call me. I guess those jobs just weren't for me.

Even though I like my job now, I still prefer something that would let me grow professionally. Let's see if 2008 will give me that. hehe

2:Adventures- I love to travel. I just have a companion-drought syndrome. haha In short, I'm a frustrated traveller. I went to Batangas with my officemates in the summer and then I got to travel to my homeland up north in September, and during that trip, I also took a lot road trip to New Jersey with my cousins.

3: Met a lot of new people- I met a lot of new friend this year, some through friends of friends or the people here where I work, some through facebook(not some, just one actually).

4:Still single- What else is new? haha Although that's not really a highlight nor is it a complaint.

I think I'm talking nonsense now. What I just said didn't really match the title. Sorry about that. I got home at 3am this morning, you see. So, I'm still super sleep deprived.

I dudn't have a lot of BIG highlights this year...I'll just add along when I think of something. :D

I got myself an iPod Classic for Christmas! I bought it from Sharn's friend for only 11,800.

I've been having a bad luck streak with tech/gadget stuff lately. My laptop is now going "Mayday!" after I kept on restoring my PC after one program just wouldn't work. I have to get it fixed soon. *Sigh*

Happy birthday Joy!^_^

(This is probably going to be my last post of the year. I'm going to try to rest my eyes for a few days. And yea, I'd probably be playing with my iPod. hehehe joke! I'm going to try to review for the GMAT over the long weekend, fix my laptop, and read the huge pile of books I bought but never had time to read. Happy new year everybody!)

Tuesday, December 11, 2007

1920's fever...

The theme for our Christmas party here at the office is "20's at 20". It's going to be a 1920's inspired theme. No, we are not going to perform the video above...We won't be able to reach the high notes. haha We're going to be performing this. I just posted the Christina Aguilera vid because I liked her performance. =D

Can't believe Christmas is coming in 2 weeks! I haven't finished my Christmas shopping yet! I don't think I'm even halfway yet. Always a last minute shopper. haha Ok, maybe thats an exaggeration.

Have two Christmas parties this week, one would be the one at the office, which will be on Friday. Then there's the YAD party on Saturday.

As per tradition, here's my wishlist for this Christmas. ;)
1) iPod Classic 80gb
2) Starbucks tumbler
3) one of the big bags from Schu
4) Sony Cybershot T2
5) Powerbooks GC's

ok, for a more grown-up list:
1) to be able to live on my own and become independent
2) to become better (as in a better person)
3) to master the art of public speaking and conversation (I kinda suck at PS)
4) to find a better job (I'm not saying that I don't like my job now..I just want something that will allow me to grow)
5) to pursue an MBA (this was supposed to read something else. But I'm too shy to put that up.)

I love Christmas! It just brings out the little kid in me. hehe

BTW, for the first time ever, I might be able to get the Starbuck's planner. I need 5 stickers more and I'm going to get mine. ^_^ For people who don't know, I've never managed to drink this much coffee in a span of 1 month. So, I've never collected enough stickers for the planner. OMG! I just realized, I have had more cups of coffee in the past few weeks than in the years covering 2002-2006.