Wow! It's been a really long time since I really blogged, as in where I didn't post something forwarded or an article I found on the net.So here are some updates on my life.
My birthday is coming up..hehe I'm getting old. *sob*
Harry Potter mania is back. The new Harry Potter movie will be released on the 11th and the book will be available on the 23rd.
and Christina Aguilera is coming to Manila! She'll be having a concert on July 6 at the Fort. I'm still hoping to watch, but tickets are like so expensive! bummer...with me saving up for next year and other miscellaneous expenses, I just can't afford it. Ok, by now, you may have noticed that I'm asking for an advanced bday present. haha just kidding...I'll just wait for the concert DVD to come out na lang if I want to save.
wait..rewind, I was supposed to post an update on my life.
So, right now, I'm taking a much needed 5-minute break from work. We are simply inundated with work.Can you believe I have 9 projects waiting for me after I finish with this entry? Gosh!This is a big load of work to tackle, especially if majority of the pending projects are PTL(fyi, it's the longest show that we translate). This means no surfing around for a while. hehe although yea, the company doesn't pay me to surf the net. haha
After work, I go home, eat dinner, start my review, and go to bed around 11. It's always like that, so not much to say there.
Oh yeah! I tried the Azuki Danish at Starbucks the other day...super yummy! I ate it while sipping Cafe Mocha. Perfect combination for a rainy day.
Also, we changed the seating arrangement at now 3 seats from where I used to sit. hehe
oh man...5 minutes is over already?
Thursday, June 28, 2007
Tuesday, June 26, 2007
Harry Potter soundtrack now available
and guess what! The IMAX at SM Mall of Asia will be showing the movie! yey! but a lot of dates are already sold out though. :(
more news at
___ having problems posting the soundtrack widget from the Harry Potter site. If you can't see it, you can listen to the OST at
Thursday, June 21, 2007
License to Wed
Mandy Moore has a new movie...loved her in "Because I Said So". When I read the plot for this one, my first reaction was"eh??" It sounds entertaining all right, but will it step up to the viewers' expectations. Oh, well, we'll have to wait til it opens on July 3.
Here's the plot:
Sadie and Ben really want to get married. You'd think that with so many couples not bothering to do so lately (we're looking at you, Brad and Angie), her local church would be thrilled to accommodate them. But this church is a very popular wedding spot, and with only one slot open in the foreseeable future, Ben and Sadie will have to earn it. How? By completing a two-week pre-nup course designed by the Reverend Frank. Does this couple really have what it takes to get through not just a wedding, but a life-long marriage? They'll have to survive these two weeks first!

Sadie and Ben really want to get married. You'd think that with so many couples not bothering to do so lately (we're looking at you, Brad and Angie), her local church would be thrilled to accommodate them. But this church is a very popular wedding spot, and with only one slot open in the foreseeable future, Ben and Sadie will have to earn it. How? By completing a two-week pre-nup course designed by the Reverend Frank. Does this couple really have what it takes to get through not just a wedding, but a life-long marriage? They'll have to survive these two weeks first!
Wednesday, June 20, 2007
elementary classmates
Can you name 13 of ur classmates in ELEMENTARY that u can think of right off the top of your head. Don't read the questions underneath until you've written the names of all 13 people. This is a lot funnier if you actually randomly list the names first. No Cheating!
1. Erika Ang
2. Aileen Chaucokiong
3. Kristine Chuacokiong
4. Mark Doratan
5. Andrew Chuacokiong
6. Earlene Ching
7. Melody Co
8. Charmaine Hao
9. Jamie Ang
10. Laurice Co
11. Ryan Mensing
12. Jesse Willis
13. Amee Ung-York
How did you meet 10?
~ we were classmates since Nursery
What would you do/what would happen if you had never met 1?
~ I'd probably never had known one of my best friends in the world.
What would you do if 6 and 2 date?
~ er...they're both girls.
Have you ever seen 4 cry?
~ yes
Do you think 10 is cute?
~ eh?yea sure, but not in the I'm-attracted-to-you kind of way. hehe
How did you get to know 3?
~ she sat behind me in grade 5
What's 7's Favorite color?
~ i don't remember hehe
What would you do if 5 confessed he/she loved you?
~ that would be weird...hehehe
Fact about 9:
~ she is now a teacher in Illinois
Who is 4 going out with?
~ How would I know?? hahaha
What is number 5 to you?
~ we both annoy each other, jokingly kind of way.
Would you ever live with 13?
~ ok lng.hehe
Is 2 single?
~ yata
Where does 7 live?
~sa china siya now
What do you think about 12?
~ hmm...NC
Who is 11 to you?
~ just one of the guys in the classroom? heheh
Favorite Memory with 1?
~ hmm...working on school projects at my place in HS, and the trip to Baguio.
1. Erika Ang
2. Aileen Chaucokiong
3. Kristine Chuacokiong
4. Mark Doratan
5. Andrew Chuacokiong
6. Earlene Ching
7. Melody Co
8. Charmaine Hao
9. Jamie Ang
10. Laurice Co
11. Ryan Mensing
12. Jesse Willis
13. Amee Ung-York
How did you meet 10?
~ we were classmates since Nursery
What would you do/what would happen if you had never met 1?
~ I'd probably never had known one of my best friends in the world.
What would you do if 6 and 2 date?
~ er...they're both girls.
Have you ever seen 4 cry?
~ yes
Do you think 10 is cute?
~ eh?yea sure, but not in the I'm-attracted-to-you kind of way. hehe
How did you get to know 3?
~ she sat behind me in grade 5
What's 7's Favorite color?
~ i don't remember hehe
What would you do if 5 confessed he/she loved you?
~ that would be weird...hehehe
Fact about 9:
~ she is now a teacher in Illinois
Who is 4 going out with?
~ How would I know?? hahaha
What is number 5 to you?
~ we both annoy each other, jokingly kind of way.
Would you ever live with 13?
~ ok lng.hehe
Is 2 single?
~ yata
Where does 7 live?
~sa china siya now
What do you think about 12?
~ hmm...NC
Who is 11 to you?
~ just one of the guys in the classroom? heheh
Favorite Memory with 1?
~ hmm...working on school projects at my place in HS, and the trip to Baguio.
Friday, June 15, 2007
now what?
2 weeks(maybe more) of practice for the Vesak Day performance is now over. We practiced till midnight everyday and also on weekends. Things were crazy on the last few days where people were all excited and nervous about the upcoming performance. We can't really blame anyone, the Venerables wanted it to be perfect since the performance was going to be held at SM Mall of Asia. But then there were some very tactless people who instead of encouraging people to do better, just made comments that would make anyone want to walk out and forgot about doing the whole performance altogether. But then most of the people there(including me) wouldn't do that, because this isn't just about her. Anyway, enough about that. The performance was pretty successful. 2 weeks of practice and hardwork paid off. Gosh! 2 weeks of rehearsals and only a few minutes on stage? But then,hey, we all had fun. Pics available here.
For the 2 weeks, I had something to look forward to every night. Now, everything is back to regular programming. Going home after work, having dinner, doing household work, and studying before retiring to bed.
Oh yeah, I had this post-extraction complication after the last of my 3rd molars were taken out. We thought it might be cancerous or anything, but thank Buddha it wasn't. The specialist my dentist referred me to just took out the growth so that it will just grow again. Still hurts a bit...but am ok.
For the 2 weeks, I had something to look forward to every night. Now, everything is back to regular programming. Going home after work, having dinner, doing household work, and studying before retiring to bed.
Oh yeah, I had this post-extraction complication after the last of my 3rd molars were taken out. We thought it might be cancerous or anything, but thank Buddha it wasn't. The specialist my dentist referred me to just took out the growth so that it will just grow again. Still hurts a bit...but am ok.
Friday, June 08, 2007
10 Ways to Outwit Your Appetite
These suggestions are pretty great! I love number 3. hehehe
You don't have to be smarter than a quiz show fifth-grader to learn how to control the urge to eat. Just follow these ingenious tips:
1. Feed it protein for breakfast. You'll be less hungry later on and end up eating 267 fewer calories during the day. At least that's what happened on days when St. Louis University researchers gave overweight women two scrambled eggs and two slices of jelly-topped toast for breakfast rather than about half that protein.
2. Make it climb a flight of stairs. At home, store the foods that tempt you most way out of reach. For instance, Cornell University food psychologist Brian Wansink, PhD, keeps his favorite soda in a basement fridge. "Half the time I'm too lazy to run down there to get it, so I drink the water in the kitchen."
3. Sleep on it. People who don't get their eight hours of zzz's experience hormonal fluctuations that increase appetite, report researchers.
4. Give it something else to think about. When scientists scanned the brains of people eating different foods, they found that the brain reacts to fat in the mouth in much the same way that the nose responds to a pleasant aroma. So if you feel a craving coming on, apply your favorite scent.
5. Never let it see a heaping plate. The more food that's in front of you, the more you'll eat. So at a restaurant, ask your waiter to pack up half of your meal before serving it to you, then eat the extras for lunch the next day.
6. Put it under the lights. You consume fewer calories at a well-lit restaurant table than you do dining in a dark corner. "In the light, you're more self-conscious and worry that other patrons are watching what you eat," explains Wansink.
7. Talk it down. Entertaining friends with a great story doesn't give you much time to eat up, so you'll probably still have food on your plate when they're done. Once they're finished, call it quits too.
8. Offer it a seat. If you sit down to snack -- and use utensils and a plate -- you'll eat fewer calories at subsequent meals.
9. Satisfy it with soup. Start lunch with about 130 calories worth of vegetable soup and you'll eat 20 percent fewer calories during lunch overall, say Penn State experts.
10. Give it little choice. Packages that contain assorted varieties of cookies, candy, dips, cheese, etc., make you want to try all the flavors. The effect is so powerful, says Wansink, that when people are given 10 colors of M&Ms to munch on, not seven, they eat 30 percent more!
taken from:
You don't have to be smarter than a quiz show fifth-grader to learn how to control the urge to eat. Just follow these ingenious tips:
1. Feed it protein for breakfast. You'll be less hungry later on and end up eating 267 fewer calories during the day. At least that's what happened on days when St. Louis University researchers gave overweight women two scrambled eggs and two slices of jelly-topped toast for breakfast rather than about half that protein.
2. Make it climb a flight of stairs. At home, store the foods that tempt you most way out of reach. For instance, Cornell University food psychologist Brian Wansink, PhD, keeps his favorite soda in a basement fridge. "Half the time I'm too lazy to run down there to get it, so I drink the water in the kitchen."
3. Sleep on it. People who don't get their eight hours of zzz's experience hormonal fluctuations that increase appetite, report researchers.
4. Give it something else to think about. When scientists scanned the brains of people eating different foods, they found that the brain reacts to fat in the mouth in much the same way that the nose responds to a pleasant aroma. So if you feel a craving coming on, apply your favorite scent.
5. Never let it see a heaping plate. The more food that's in front of you, the more you'll eat. So at a restaurant, ask your waiter to pack up half of your meal before serving it to you, then eat the extras for lunch the next day.
6. Put it under the lights. You consume fewer calories at a well-lit restaurant table than you do dining in a dark corner. "In the light, you're more self-conscious and worry that other patrons are watching what you eat," explains Wansink.
7. Talk it down. Entertaining friends with a great story doesn't give you much time to eat up, so you'll probably still have food on your plate when they're done. Once they're finished, call it quits too.
8. Offer it a seat. If you sit down to snack -- and use utensils and a plate -- you'll eat fewer calories at subsequent meals.
9. Satisfy it with soup. Start lunch with about 130 calories worth of vegetable soup and you'll eat 20 percent fewer calories during lunch overall, say Penn State experts.
10. Give it little choice. Packages that contain assorted varieties of cookies, candy, dips, cheese, etc., make you want to try all the flavors. The effect is so powerful, says Wansink, that when people are given 10 colors of M&Ms to munch on, not seven, they eat 30 percent more!
taken from:
Tuesday, June 05, 2007
Sometimes, I like to think I have my life going.Ideally, that's how I want my life to be.
My parents seem to control my every move, giving unsolicited advice and opinion about everything I do. Hovering over me when I'm doing stuff. They get even more excited than me whenever my cellphone rings.
Although they always claim that Shobe and I are free to do whatever we want to do, and that they'll support us no matter what, however, I've never seen them do something to express that. This is the normal scenario when Candee and I tell them something: we tell them what we want, they'll say ok and after a few minutes, they'll come up with a ton of reasons why you shouldn't be doing it.
They are just so "antique", for lack of a better word. They stick to the oldie way of thinking. Hello?? I'm not part of the uber-conservative generation. What they think is so obsolete...they really need to upgrade. Hay!
I'm not saying that I don't love my parents or anything, but its just that once in a while, I'd like to be free to do my own stuff.
I've always wanted to go to Canada. When I was in high school, they told me I could leave after first year of college so I won't have to take Grade 12, I bought that. Then that time came, and I asked them once again, this time they told me to finish college first. Ok, fine, I did. Then after college, they told me to get work experience first. (Seeing as I don't have enough money to just leave the country, I have to obey whatever they say.) Now,I'm working and preparing to take the GMAT for my MBA applications. Let's see what excuse they're going to give this time.
So there, that's my so called life...
My parents seem to control my every move, giving unsolicited advice and opinion about everything I do. Hovering over me when I'm doing stuff. They get even more excited than me whenever my cellphone rings.
Although they always claim that Shobe and I are free to do whatever we want to do, and that they'll support us no matter what, however, I've never seen them do something to express that. This is the normal scenario when Candee and I tell them something: we tell them what we want, they'll say ok and after a few minutes, they'll come up with a ton of reasons why you shouldn't be doing it.
They are just so "antique", for lack of a better word. They stick to the oldie way of thinking. Hello?? I'm not part of the uber-conservative generation. What they think is so obsolete...they really need to upgrade. Hay!
I'm not saying that I don't love my parents or anything, but its just that once in a while, I'd like to be free to do my own stuff.
I've always wanted to go to Canada. When I was in high school, they told me I could leave after first year of college so I won't have to take Grade 12, I bought that. Then that time came, and I asked them once again, this time they told me to finish college first. Ok, fine, I did. Then after college, they told me to get work experience first. (Seeing as I don't have enough money to just leave the country, I have to obey whatever they say.) Now,I'm working and preparing to take the GMAT for my MBA applications. Let's see what excuse they're going to give this time.
So there, that's my so called life...
Friday, June 01, 2007
new fashion find...
I just love bags! It's the only thing I'm (most probably) willing to splurge on. haha I can wear jeans, a plain t-shirt, sneakers, but my bag has to be nice. hehe I'm talking about gimmick nights or when am going somewhere. Trust me, my bags are pretty much plain when am just going to work, or going somewhere near my place. And truth be told, last time I bought a bag was late last year. Bags these days are pretty expensive, and I'm talking about the designer-branded ones. There's this Calvin Klein bag that I saw at Rustan's that I really like, didn't buy it though. (No need to say why)
Anyway, found this brand while I was just surfing the net. Its called Kooba, although unfortunately, they don't have a store here in Manila. The names of the bags, in the following order, are: Nicole, Gretchen, Nina and Josie.

Anyway, found this brand while I was just surfing the net. Its called Kooba, although unfortunately, they don't have a store here in Manila. The names of the bags, in the following order, are: Nicole, Gretchen, Nina and Josie.

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